Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's Going On? Where Am I? Who Are You People?

I'm not really sure what is going to go down here. Writing about writing seems a little too ‘meta’ for me, but that's essentially the point of this blog. To get me up on the interweb so that all those anxious publishers who are currently sitting around chewing their nails in a sort of mystified fugue state--aware they are missing something but just not sure what it is--can find me. (That is how publishers work you see... the little voice in my head assures me of it.)

But if the idea of vile self-promotion made me consider this, what made me do it was the concept that it might actually help. Some dead white guy once said that a thought wasn't known until it was spoken, and whilst I think there are many thoughts that should have gone on unknown, perhaps writing this will teach me a thing or two. Who knows.

But I can see you glazing at the prospect of me waxing lyrical about the joys and pains of me sitting on my ass in front of a computer playing make believe, so time to drop the esoteric bullshit and get serious for a moment. Here is my mission statement to you, the reader.

1. What I promise to provide you with: Vulgarity. Honesty. Geekiness. Desperation. Not Describing the Miracle of Birth.

2. What I will speak about: What I'm reading, what I'm writing, thing's I've learnt... in fact very soon I will blog about the lessons and advice I remember from the writer based panels of WorldCon. Though, that being said, not everything will be writer related--in fact I very much doubt that's possible. Amusing anecdotes from my life will undoubtedly predominate--after all how else will you come to understand just how awesome my life is?

3. What I require from you: Unquestioning love and devotion. Also cookies would be nice.

Heh. Alrighty, just a quick bit on my writing, and then I'll go. My current book, the Daughter of Simon Foster, is an epic urban fantasy--and I mean that in genre talk, not like 'hey dude, my book is so fucking epic. You should totally read it', though I hope that there is an element of that too. In this case I was trying for something more complex within an urban fantasy setting. I'm currently on my final (final?) edit, and I'll probably share an excerpt soon. In short though, my story is about the girl who is going to destroy the world and the boys that love her along the way.

That being said, urban fantasy implies a certain something, something; so to be clear, there are no vampires or werewolves in my story--which I suspect is a fact my wallet will come to lament. As such, here is a story about zombies.

Aaron lay unmoving. His head had been split open, and Cedric stared at the rotting brain with the helpless horror of one deeply in shock. To see his friend in that condition disturbed him beyond the measure of things. A fly landed upon Aaron, and Cedric brushed it aside without thought, shuddering at the slimy feel of Aaron’s exposed brain. Then he froze; his unthinking gesture had wiped away the green rot and revealed something entirely different. Fresh brains. Gleeful, he cored the matter with his hand and stuffed it in his mouth. Today wasn’t going to entirely suck after all.

postscript: I wasn't serious about the unquestioning part. Pick the shit out of what I write, it's how I'll learn.


  1. First and foremost, as the first and foremost (at least foremost in my mind) person to comment on this blog post, let me say that I am excited beyond mere words to have a new blog to read. I started following you on twitter recently (no stalker jokes, please. I'll explain myself shortly) because you seem to be on somewhat speaking terms with certain "celebrities" that I find very interesting; namely dragonmount, Brandon Sanderson and Peter Ahlstrom, and have been pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoy nearly all of your tweets. And so, after saying all that, I have one more simple statement.

    Good luck.


  2. Haha, thanks! Of course being witty and clever in 140 characters and on a blog are too seperate things. This may well test the limits of my creativity.

    ... oooh that doesn't bode well for my book, does it? :s heh.

  3. Just make sure that you post to twitter whenever you update the blog, as I am extremely lazy and will probably not be able to make it back here unless the link is placed before me on a silver platter with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy.

    P.S. Don't forget the gravy


  4. WOOOO, *raving fanboy attack*

    Great to see you have finally jumped in to blogging :)
